World Nature Conservative Day - 28th July 2024 | History | Download Images, Pictures, Wishes, Quotes, and Wallpapers
World Nature Conservative Day is celebrated on 28 July in different countries of the world. Many factors have led to the destruction of nature.
Industrial development and many other factors are responsible for the destruction of nature. Everything we do affects nature because we are connected to nature in some way or the other.
Due to natural imbalance, we are facing many problems, such as global warming, various diseases, natural disasters, rise in temperature, etc.
Therefore, it is necessary to preserve nature for our future and for the next generation.
The Aim of World Nature Conservative Day is to protect the plants and animals that are missing from the Earth's natural environment. Everyone can participate in the conservation of nature which is a beautiful gift for us.
We often see that many types of campaigns are also run for the conservation of nature like plantation is done somewhere and measures like saving water are taken somewhere. But all this is rarely seen personally. When we take so much from nature, then we also have a duty to do something for its conservation. You too can do a lot towards nature on a personal level in many ways.
Importance of environmental protection:
Environmental protection is closely related to the life of all living beings and all the natural surroundings of this earth. The whole earth is getting polluted due to pollution and the end of human civilization is visible in the near future. Keeping this situation in mind, in 1992, the 'Earth Conference' of 174 countries of the world was organized in Brazil.
After this, by organizing the Earth Conference in Johannesburg in 2002, many measures were suggested to all the countries of the world to pay attention to environmental protection. In fact, only by protecting the environment can live on earth be preserved.
First task: Conserve water-
- Do not misuse water.
- Use water-saving methods.
- Don't see the water getting wasted anywhere.
Second task: to conserve energy-
- For this, you have to save as much electricity as possible.
- Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances in the house.
- If natural light is coming in the house during the day, then turn off the light when not needed.
- You can also save electricity by using less AC.
Third job: Planting-
- You can plant saplings in your home or park.
- Inspire more people for this so that more and more greenery can be brought.
- Plantation of trees on a large scale will reduce pollution and provide oxygen.
- It can also be started as a tradition, like planting a plant on the birthday.
Fourth task: Fruit vegetable growing
- Growing fruits and vegetables.
- You can grow fruits and vegetables at home.
- Curry leaves, coriander, tomatoes can be grown in small pots.
- You can also raise Luffa, Beans, Brinjal at home.
Fifth task: Reduce air pollution-
- Do not burn garbage and do not smoke.
- Minimize the use of motor vehicles.
- If you do not want to go far away from home, then go on foot or use a bicycle.
- Get your vehicle checked from time to time to see if more air pollution is spreading than that.
- Adopt all these measures in your habit and keep teaching them to your children too

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